Register online for the ICA Workshops and the ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2024
Please click here and complete the Registration Form for attendance at the ICA Events to be held at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia in October 2024.
The deadline for registration is Monday 7 October. Registration can be cancelled free of charge before Monday 14 October.
The Registration fee for each of these events includes
All meals between the start of the event as indicated on the programme and ending with lunch on the second day.
If you book for one of the Workshops and the Rectors and Deans Forum your total registration fee will be reduced by 25 € so that you are not charged twice for the lunch on 24 October.
You will be invoiced by the ICA Secretariat for the Registration fee(s).
The Registration fee for each of the events:
- ICA-CoP Bio-Edu Workshop on 23 and 24 October 2024: Engaging with the corporate world to enhance the provision by life science universities of lifelong learning for professionals in the Bioeconomy.
Registration fee 300 €
Registration fee includes the reception on Tuesday 22 October at 20.00 at the Hotel Dubrovnik - ICA-Edu Workshop on 23 and 24 October 2024: Developing best teaching and learning practices for the professional use of AI in Life Science Higher Education. Hybrid event
Registration fee 275 € for attendace face to face in Zagreb. It is also offerd as an online event with no registration fee.
- 14th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum on 24 and 25 October 2024: The Future of Agriculture and Forestry in Europe: implications for Life Science Universities
There is no registration fee for the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb event in Friday afternoon 25 October. The registration fee just covers the programme for the Forum
The Registration fee is 400 €. For a second registration from the same institution the fee is 375€
The deadline for registration is Monday 7 October. Registration can be cancelled free of charge before Monday 14 October.
Please click here and complete the Registration Form for attendance at the ICA Events in Zagreb
The Registration is managed by the ICA Secretariat
If you have queries please email
If you use an Apple Mac computer, you may experience a problem in completing the Registration Form - this is a known Apple Mac problem. If you experience the problem please contact the ICA Secretariat.