ICA General Assembly 2010

The General Assembly of the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA) was held on Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 16.30 at the Rectorate (room “Aula”), University of Zagreb, Trg maršala Tita 14, Zagreb.

Minutes of the General Assembly 2010 approved at the ICA General Assembly 2011

Presentation by the incoming President Philippe Choquet


ICA General Assembly 2020

The ICA General Assembly was held Online on Wednesday 21 October 2020 at 15.30 on the occasion of the Online Rectors and Deans Forum Agricultural and Life Science Universities Responding to Covid-19 and the European Green Deal

The Agenda


ICA President's Report on behalf of the ICA Board - Marek Szyndel

Presentation by incoming President – Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus, Wageningen University and Research.  Full text of his Statement

ICA Member Institutions

Country Institutions
AL Agricultural University of Tirana
AT University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
BE Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege
BE Ghent University
BE KU Leuven
BE UCLouvain
BE University College PXL
CH Bern University of Applied Sciences
CZ Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
CZ Mendel University in Brno
DE Geisenheim University
DE University of Hohenheim
DK Aarhus University
EE Estonian University of Life Sciences
FI University of Eastern Finland
FI University of Helsinki
FR AgroParisTech
FR Bordeaux Sciences Agro
FR FranceAgro3
FR French Agricultural, Veterinary and Forestry Institute (AGREENIUM)
FR Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle
FR Institut Agro
FR University of Reims Champagne Adrenne
HR Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture
HR University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
HU Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
IE University College Dublin
IS Agricultural University of Iceland
IT Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
IT University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
KZ Kazakh National Agrarian Reseaech University
LT Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy
LV Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
NL Avans University of Applied Sciences
NL Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
NL Wageningen University and Research Centre
NO Norwegian University of Life Sciences
PL University of Agriculture in Krakow
PL Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW
PL Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
PT University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
RO Iasi University of Life Sciences
RO University of Life Sciences ‘’King Michael I’’ from Timișoara
RO University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca
RO University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - Bucharest
SE Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
SI University of Ljubljana
SK Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
UA Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University
UA National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
UK University of Reading


Who leads ICA?

ICA is governed by the ICA General Assembly which comprises one representative from each ICA member institution.  The ICA General Assembly elects the ICA Board, who are senior members in the life science community. 

The modus operandi of ICA is determined by the ICA Statutes.  In addition to the ICA Statutes the Board has approved a set of Working Rules which also document established practice. The Working Rules are subsidiary to the Statutes and define the internal working rules within the framework of these Statutes. A Working Rule relates to a matter of detail for the government of ICA and its members. The Working Rules aslo define the location of the registered office of ICA.

These Board members play a key role in developing the policies of their own universities and faculties.  With this overview they are able to focus the activities and planned outcomes of ICA to support the staff of the ICA member institutions in their professional careers.  The Board reports to the annual meeting of the ICA General Assembly.

ICA links eight ICA Standing Committees under the umbrella of the ICA Council.  The ICA Standing Committees have either a discipline or cross discipline support focus. The ICA Council acts as a forum to support networking and the initiation of new ventures between Standing Committees and ICA

The ICA Secretariat, is responsible for implementing the policy decisions of the ICA Board and for the day to day management of ICA.

ICA Organisation Chart 23 06 13















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See the ICA Member Institutions